Top Uses for Thermal Imaging


In case you were unaware of exactly what a thermal imaging camera was, it is a device that is able to translate the amount of thermal energy (also referred to as heat) that an object gives off and then translate that energy into light, helping you to analyze a particular scene or object. The image that you will be seeing is what is known as a thermogram. This thermogram is going to be analyzed through the process of thermography.

When it comes to thermal imaging cameras, they are going to be very sophisticated devices that will take all of this data and then display it onto a screen so that you can see exactly what it is you are looking at. These images are then able to be immediately used in order to process or diagnose through special software that you can use to evaluate the data even further, more accurately, and record the output.

Think about thermal imaging cameras as measuring the temperature of something or someone, just better. Instead of simply getting a number telling you what the temperature is, you will instead get a complete picture telling you what the temperature is and what it is that is putting off that temperature.

So, you may be wondering to yourself what exactly you would need a thermal imaging camera for anyways? Here are some of the more common uses for thermal imaging cameras.

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Top Uses of Thermal Imaging Cameras

Aside from being a popular tool among ghost and monster hunters, there are actually some very important applications that thermal imaging cameras can be used for. Thermal imaging cameras were originally developed for military applications when the Korean War was happening. However, their popularity and uses have since grown into many other applications as well.

  • Firefighters use thermal imaging cameras to help them see through thick walls of smoke, to help them locate those who may be trapped somewhere that is not necessarily going to be easily visible, and even to localize any hotspots that fires may have created.
  • Law enforcement has started to use the thermal imaging camera technology to help them manage certain aspects of surveillance activities, find and then apprehend suspects, investigate various crime scenes, and even to help them conduct different types of search and rescue missions.
  • Certain technicians with will use thermal imaging cameras to help them locate any overheating parts or joints to help them eliminate any kind of potential failures due to electrical issues.
  • Electrical technicians working on buildings are able to use thermal imaging cameras to help them find any insulation that may have become faulty, as well as see any kind of heat leaks that may be causing inefficiencies when it comes to heating and cooling.
  • Doctors and veterinarians can use thermal imaging cameras to diagnose fevers, which can be especially helpful if that particular person is unable to communicate what it is that is bothering them, or if it is on a pet or another type of warm blooded animal.