Business Dos And Don’ts Know The Importance Of Pat Testing


The age of the internet has made the life for people a tad bit easier but it also led to an ‘open market’ scenario that allowed people to sell inferior quality/counterfeit electrical appliances for high prices. This resulted in an increase in workplace-related accidents that sometimes even left fatal results!

Workplace related accidents that involve portable appliances could be avoided if a business has made it a habit to carry out PAT testing within its premises.

So What Exactly Is Pat Testing?

PAT is the abbreviated form for Portable Appliance Testing. PAT testing London service providers follow this process that involves visual/close examination of electrical appliances. The aim of this process is to ensure that electrical appliances in working environments are safe to use.

Experts associated with PAT testing will conduct a series of tests and visual inspections that will comprise of the following:

  • The electrical appliances are categorized and then subjected to thorough visual inspections.
  • If an appliance has any exposed metal surface(s) it will be thoroughly inspected.
  • All cables going in and out of an electrical appliance will be examined closely to ensure they are in their peak operational condition.
  • Tests will be carried out to ensure that the insulating material between parts is working as it should. The professional will also ensure that the internal circuitry of the appliance is free from arcing and related issues.
  • The grounding of the appliances will be checked to ensure they do not become a threat, especially during power surges and thunderstorms.

Importance Of Pat Testing For Businesses

Running a business is not an easy task. One is not only making profits for themselves but is also providing for its workforce. Hence, it is the duty of the employer to ensure the safety of the workplace and their workforce.

PAT testing ensures that:

  • An office
  • A manufacturing unit
  • An industrial plant
  • An assembly line, etc. are using portable appliances that are safe to use.

In case a worker meets with an accident, the employer is legally obligated to compensate the same and provide financial aid to the victim thereby helping them to meet medical expenses.

All of these could have been avoided in case the business subjected its electrical appliances to periodic PAT testing sessions. Furthermore, in most countries, businesses are legally obligated to include PAT testing in their AMCs. In case a business fails to do so, it will be heavily fined and subjected to lawsuits.

PAT testing has become a part and parcel of the corporate world. PAT testing makes a business legally compliant with local workplace safety norms. In the end, it is safe to say if a company wants to steer clear of hefty penalties and financial liabilities, periodic Portable Appliance Testing is a must!