Ideas for Rebranding Your Product


Whether your fledgling product hasn’t been turning a profit or you believe the feel of your long-existing line has become dated, consider rebranding to achieve better results. A major change can give you a new start. You’ll not only be updating your look, but also evolving your mission and reaching a new audience.

Reconsider Your Demographic

If sales of your once successful product have been dropping, perhaps your customer base no longer needs it or you’ve evolved beyond it. Reach the right audience by determining your target market. Knowing its tastes, trends and preferences will help you determine where your rebranding focus should be.

Change Your Design

When redesigning, combine what you want to retain from your original look with what will appeal to your new demographic. Find packaging supplies Minneapolis that will complement the look, whether it’s angular and masculine, rounded and feminine or something in between. Ensure, however, that your desire for a sleek new look does not stray too far from your company’s focus and values.

Study the Competition

Before you sign off on the changes to your redesign, consider the look and feel of your competition’s product and packaging. Although you want your item to stand out, also consider any features of their appearance that you may want to emulate but improve upon.

Showcase the Product

Launch you rebrand with marketing efforts that target your new core audience. Post on social media, advertise online or in local publications, distribute flyers and business cards or try telemarketing, for instance. You can also attempt to regain previous customers by offering them a discount on a product upgrade if they try your redesigned version.

Rebranding doesn’t have to be nerve wracking. Basic changes to your product or identity can help you more clearly express your core values to establish a stronger presence in the market and ultimately increase your customer base and profits.